Quality is Everything,
Quality is at the heart of who we are.


This inspection verifies the characteristics of electronic parts to evaluate quality and originality. This includes inceptions such as the condition of the components, part markings, evidence of a secondary coating, lead conditions, dimensions and surface quality. Visual inspection is non-destructive and performed per SAE AS6081 and MIL-STD-883 Method 2009.9 and on a sample of parts from a given lot base on the sample according to the ANSI ASQE Z1.4 Table II−A. Common things generally looked for during a visual inspection test of an Integrated Circuit device include:

  • Packing material / External visual inspection (MSL; ESD)
  • Chemical Removal Test
  • External Microscopic Inspection
  • Components Cracks,Scratches & Contaminants verification
  • Top Surface Consistency
  • Surface Finish
  • Pins Alignment
  • Pin One Indicator
  • Pins oxidation detection
  • Dimensions
  • Font and Logo Consistency
  • Traceability digital records kept of all goods inspected
  • Physical Removal Test


This Electronic Tests will verify electrical operating conditions of active and passive components on various 
types of components from DC limited function to full DC/AC function . This is performed in accordance with 
MIL-STD-883 and manufacturer’s specifications. We can simulate test conditions depending on industry 
compliance requirements (i.e., Military, Automotive, Medical, etc.). Electrical testing is helpful to :

  • Evaluate input and output characteristics of components
  • Compare know"good" devices with unknow devices to provide some a level of examination detect failure analysis
  • Detect failure analysis


X-ray inspection are non-destructive tests to verify the bond wire connections,die size 
comparison and ESD damaged. 
X-Ray are performed base on AS5553 and MIL-STD-883 2017.7. Counterfeit devices can be 
determined by comparing the structure of the die to a known good device,
while the test also analyses:

  • Wire Bonding Option
  • Structure Analysis
  • Void Analysis
  • Die Size Comparison
  • Check for De-lamination
  • Broken or Missing Bond Wire


Decapsulation tests can be provided for customers to ensure that the original manufacturer has 
produced the device. This destructive test will expose the die, and characteristics such as die markings, 
metallization damage due to ESD or corrosion will be verified. 

Decapsulation is usually performed on 1 sample per lot / date code base on MIL-STD-883, 
Method 2014 or AS6081, A decapsulation test exposes the internal structure of the 
device by removing the exterior of the device. This is often achieved using an acid mixture to 
expose the bonding wires, internal structure, and the die.
